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Adoption Stories

Read about some of our adoption stories!


Finn's Story

Jesse and Michelle Balla adopted Finn on September 1st of 2020. Finn is 2 going on 3 years old this year. Our life would not be complete without him. Finn loves to go on walks, car rides, to the park, and he enjoys picking out outfits and costumes. In his free time, he loves napping and snuggling with the fam! He especially loves swimming in his pool in the summer, along with making new friends. Thank you to PAWS CARE for finding the perfect match for our family, we don't know where we would be without our boy!!!

Daniel and Ernie

Two years ago this nervous little fellow whimpered in my lap as I drove back home with him from PAWS.  We’ve come a long way since then. Now, the truck is one of Ernie’s favorite places to be: head out the window catching the breeze and eyes out for anything with four legs or wings!  Its been a blessing to add Ernie to my family, his overflow of personality has made him such a good friend to me  that I can’t thank the wonderful people at PAWS enough for finding him!

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Bandit's Story

Hi!  My name is Bandit. I am a PAWS alumni. In September of 2021 I lost my pawrents. I was very, very sad. I loved them so much. At the same time in Litchfield a nice lady was also heartbroken. She lost the last of her two beloved shih tzus. They lived wonderful, long lives, but that didn’t make it easier for her during her time of grief. A kind friend from PAWS sent my picture to her and said she knew how sorrowful she was and that I was forlorn too and needed a new home.  On a lovely Sunday afternoon I met my new mom and it was love at first sight for both of us. I went to live in Litchfield where I have a nice fenced in yard, a baby shih tzu brother (Benji), two feline brothers (Biscuit and Blue), a fireplace to lay in front of and a king sized bed where we have sleepovers every night!  We are one happy rescue family!  Thank you PAWS!  

Mya's Story

“A house is not a home without a dog.” This is definitely the sentiment in our house. In 2018, I lost my
schnauzer fur girl of almost 17 years. I was devastated. Friends started sending pictures of cute pups
available for adoption, and my response was always, “I’m not ready.” But then, a picture popped up on
my Facebook feed of this little black dog heading to her foster home for PAWS. Her eyes spoke to me,
and I knew instantly, this is my dog. THIS IS MYA; well, she was listed as Lady. I applied almost
immediately and within just a few days, Lady Mya Lou had made her way into my home and my heart.
We’ve been together for almost 5 years now, and I love her more every day! We’ve healed each other.

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Annie's Story

After our Maggie died in August 2022, our house just felt so empty. We had Mya during the day while
our daughter was at work, but it just wasn’t the same. My daughter is a PAWS volunteer, and she
convinced us to foster a little terrier. When Debby walked into the PAWS office carrying this adorable,
shaggy, little terrier, I knew she wasn’t going beyond our home. It was love at first sight. Annie has
brought so much life to our home. She’s full of energy and loves her big backyard and running the fence
line with the neighbor dogs, but she’s just as happy to curl up in your lap and give kisses. We couldn’t
love her more.

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